Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday Nights....

Ah, Friday Night!!!

The best of the times..

How peaceful it can be...

The feeling is absolute bliss..

Five days.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Time flies by.. There is no time to even take a breath as you would like to...
Each day almost a xerox copy of the other..

Get up in morning after a duel with the alarm clock.. (Normally, I win.. even the Snooze mode gives up. I snooze the alarm atleast 5 times..)
Get ready in a hurry.. as I am mostly late..
Rush to the office..
Check mails and check a few routine sites.
The current being

  • ICICIDIRECT (Keep hoping that atleast today I'd make some profit in the share market.. But Alas!),
  • Rediff - My connection to the outside world and India.
  • ICICI bank. (I always like to know what my current financial situation is.. So that I can plan my expenses/investments accordingly. I hate beeing ignorant about those.

Attend some meetings, open some documents and Guess what??..
Its the lunch time..!!!

Go to the canteen, grab something.. (even the lunch is getting monotonous. Bored with the options)
Come back and surf a few more sites
Then maybe open up the black mainframe screen and do "some" work.
By evening, I would be fed up of everything and would be eagerly waiting to get away from the black hole called "OFFICE".
Come home, cook food, watch TV and sleep.

This has been the pattern of my weekdays. Generally I dont get to think much about each day. I know its the same.
So much so that I lose track of the day and date.

As a result, I tend to miss wishing many a people on their b'days or simply even calling friends and relatives, just to say 'Hi'.
This is what I hate most about the weekdays. I feel like a machine.

But then comes Friday evening. Gives that sense of freedom. Yess!!! Now I am free of the routine obligations..

This is my time and I will decide how to spend it.

Ever imagined how your feet feel when you take off your socks and shoes after a tiring day...

Now, isn't that feeling Something special???

Yes, it is...

That is exactly what I feel now....!!!