The "Hum" part of Hum-Tum...
Have been reading a lot on Guy-Gal thing of late, sheerly through blogs.
Even happened to watch Hum-Tum as well yesterday.
Thought of writing about the 'men-are-from-mars-women-are-from-venus-thing'.
But could not build a chain of thoughts properly.
Just then, Read this article about Single guys by Smiling Girl.
Thought of commenting on a few points. But then, it became a good size.
Hence putting it up on my blog.
So here are my comments. Point - to - Point.
1. Actually the very opposite of it.. Gals are too much into dates.
If guys dont remember a date, they are *GONE* and I mean it very literally.
I think it flatters them if guys remember some important day. Well not just remember it but do *SOMETHING* special as well.
2. Agreed. Showing off does not work at all.
But such talent, if timed properly, can go a long way. Timing is the key.
3. I agree here.. SPEAKING OUT is the only solution. Silence seldom works.
4. Hmmm.. Yaa.. agreed again. I've seen similar fights as well during my 11th and 12th.And yes. It does happen mostly in small towns.
5. Being a nice guy *IS* a solution. I mean if the guy is not a nice guy, gals would not like them in the first place. Being Chivalrous always helps!!!
Again there are two types of gals
a. *GIRL* girl
b. *BOY* girl - commonly know as "Tomboy"
Now if it is a *GIRL* girl, well she'll think thousand times before agreeing to go to a movie with the guy *ALONE*, or going for shopping with him.
I feel now, if the girl asks for the guys opinion on the dress (Thats the only thing that girls buy), there is indeed some spark. More the girl asks for the guy's opinion, the bigger the fire is.
Well, if the girl's a Tomboy, well maybe then this point would not work.
6. I think the same applies to girls. Quite a lot of guys dont like their girls to be completely submissive types. (There are some who prefer it the cliched manner.) They would like the girls to stand tall on their feet. (I do accept here that almost all of the guys would prefer that the girl stand atleast an inch lower)
7. True. There is a limit for anyone's optimism.
8. That is one point where I nod with you. Thats a definite NO-NO.
9. Hmmm.. Cheating really not accepted. Guys do come back asking for forgiveness. But thats where the trap lies. Quite a few Girls, being the emotional fools they are, forgive them. I think they should ditch such guys. The reliability of such guys is very low.
10. Now that is one fact which is probably well known only in girls!!! :DIf at all guys do gossip, they do not do so when girls are around.
11. Hmmm.. Now in this case, its a thin line between TAKING CARE and EXTRA-CAUTION.Quite a lot of girls *DO* like this. In fact, they enjoy the attention they get from guys. But then, as I said, there's a thin line. If it is crossed, it becomes intrusion into privacy.
12. Weird. Do guys seriously discuss this??? At length?? Most of the guys would simply make a small comment. Thats it.
13. True. There is a risk that the girl may feel he is flirting with her friends. Again that is not acceptable.
14. Some things are better not divulged to girls. If at all guys use 'FAIR AND LOVELY', that should be a deep dark secret. It should be ensured that all the people who know about it swear by their blood.
15. Thats true. Guys, as it is, hate shopping and Chick-Flicks.
16. Hmmm.. true. But cribbing is something that is best when done over a bottle of Johnnie Walker :-)
17. Men cannot handle maids. Period. As it is, they don't like to do so. It's indeed for girls.
18. Guy with more girl friends than guy friends.. Very Rare!!!
19. Point taken. Specially when the joke is cracked on a guy by his girlfriend herself.
Well the point here is. Actually what drives guyz to do such things is that girls like guys to do such things. But then some like it and some don't.
It eventually boils down to "WHAT WOMEN WANT".
Hope some day, some guy gets the key to the most complex puzzle of the world, the female brain.
Till then the fun game continues.....
All I can say is that, there is a valid argument for each of the points I mentioned, and u did just that.. :)
But the ones I mentioned about are the extremities.. :)
@Smiling Girl
Well true...
Extremities are indeed annoying.
Anyways, its good to know about the 'TUM' side as well. :)
//Hope some day, some guy gets the key to the most complex puzzle of the world, the female brain.
Don't ask for too much, dude! ;-)
Ignorance, my dear friend, could very well be a bliss at some time! :D
As it is, Getting the answer to the puzzle is as probable as Himesh not using his nose to sing. :)
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