Falling in Love with the Fall...
The various colours of fall.
Oh! I so love the fall.
Had been to Chicago this weekend. And wasn't it amazing? Oh, Yeah!!!
The weather was as obliging as it could be.
Clear Blue skies. Nice sunshine. Just a hint of chill in the air.
And to top it the colors of fall all around.
Trees in Yellow. Trees in Green. Trees in Orange. Trees in Yellow, Green, Orange and Red.
Man, It was such a pleasure.
The view was such a delight.
My friend's house was on the 17th Floor. High enuff to give a nice view of the area around.
I could see trees on both the sides of the road. A series of yellow trees on the borders of the road.
Words fall short of it.
It was probably the peak time in Chicago for the fall colours to be seen.
Managed to catch up a few good snaps of the natural splash of colors.
Now, this is something which I do not get to see in India!
Anyways, for now there should be one more place on my list.
A place with beautiful fall colours.
And guess what?? This weekend I am already going to go to such a place.
The state of New Hampshire.
Heard that this is probably one of the best places to see the fall colours.
Am already set for this weekend. The car is already booked. Just that the trivial details need to be worked out.
While I get ready to go to NH, check this video out.
The song "Tumhi dekho na" from the one and only one KANK.
Mr. Karan Johar has beautifully canned the fall of NY in this song.
(Check out Rani Mukherjee in Orange saree matching the colour of leaves)
Seriously, I am falling in love with the Fall!!!
Beautiful pictures!! Especially the last one!! Awesome! Such bright colours! As if threatening the Sun that they will get brighter than the Sun! :-)
Good one! :-)
Indeed true..
Hope to see some more of them this weekend.
Thank u :)
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